Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas Morning, the kids were very excited about Santa coming!
Santa sent them a letter and shared his cookies with them, because he is trying to cut back on his sweets, and it is nice to share. Though the rain dear ate all the carrots. :)
Dante Helped pass out the gifts. The stairs are form Santa and the kindness brightened our Christmas!
Alana LOVES art, mostly Drawing! This is what she asked Santa for, and her Abella and Abello gave them to her. Thank you.
Dante and Alana went shopping with Jen and got some gifts for us. Nana LOVED her plate. :D
I love Games and I was given this game called Bananagrams. It is a lot of fun to play.
Alana's gifts was to Draw for us. She is really good for only being 7 years old!
This is more art things. Nana Paints and so the kids like to paint with her. Now they have their own paint supplies.
Dante was really excited about his!
Dante getting into his stocking. He was given a snake from the elves that grows in water, just like a book that the kids have, about an alligator.
Dante and Alana in the out fits that their Abella and Abello sent. They loved them SO much! We went over to Aunt Juleen and Unkle Keven's house for a little gift exchange and snack latter in the evening. I had gotten Jen and she joined us. It was really a nice way to spend our Christmas, with friends and family! This was one of the nicest Christmas's I can remember!
Lot's of LOVE!

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