Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This is what I found out yesterday.

A calcaneal spur (or heel spur) is a radiological (X-ray) finding, and when it is located on the inferior aspect of the calcaneus, is often associated with plantar fasciitis and ankylosing spondylitis. A posterior calcaneal spur may also develop on the back of the heel at the insertion of the Achilles tendon.

An inferior calcaneal spur consists of a spike of calcification, which lies superior to the plantar fascia at the insertion of the intrinsic foot musculature onto the calcaneus. Until recently, an inferior calcaneal bone spur was erroneuously thought to develop at the insertion of the plantar fascia. While heel spurs are commonly associated with plantar fasciitis, they are not caused by plantar fasciitis and many people who suffer from plantar fasciitis do not have heel spurs. Oftentimes, inferior heels spurs do not have to be removed as part of the treatment for plantar fasciitis. However, posterior heel spurs are often large and palpable through the skin and may need to be removed as part of the treatment of insertional Achilles tendonitis.

So yes I have this, and it is no fun! When my Dr, Dr Gent went to give me a shot I asked Dante if that meant I get Ice Cream, because when ever the kids have to have them I get them ice cream and he said, "If you get a shot then you get ice cream." He said it so materafactly. rather cute!

Then I asked him if he wanted any and he said, "yes, but I don't want a shot to get it." you should have seen the look on his face!

If you have ever gotten an injection of corticosteroid then you know that they have to move the nedel around a little to spread the corticosteroid. it is very painful and you have to keep still. Well I kept my foot still and moved the rest of me. Not fun at all! Just as i felt the pain tears coming Dr. Gent was done and removed the nedal.

Dante saw my pain and he said, " See mommy? How do you like shots now? It hearts doesn't it? That is why I don't like them. That is why I don't want to get them!"

I wanted to cry from the pain of it all but all I could do was laugh, and so did Dr Gent and his assistant. The shock of Dante's reactoin was priceless, and so unbelievably funny!


  1. He is so FUNNY! I know he didn't mean to be funny but how very sweet and innocent! It is all black and white for little kids. It either is or it isn't, no in between.
    Sorry to hear about your heel.

  2. yes, he shear saw it that way. I think that is was the most funny thing I ever heard him say, though I think that he might say some thing on the matter when he has to get one latter.
