Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I will be better

I know that my last post was rather out of order and long seance coming. I will do better to get on and update my love ones of our life's adventures.

I am still in school at Salt Lake Community College.  My classes are American history, Humanities, Earth Science, choir, yoga, Math 1050 and Intro to dissablities.

Danny is working at Symantec down in Layton Ut ( I think that is where it is, it is just north of Orum)

Alana is in 3rd grade with Mr. Tresise

Dante is in 1st grade with Mrs. Yen

I am really horid at keeping up with this : o ) and so this is the hole year so far, but rather out of order :P

 Easter morning
  Easter at Antelope Island
  Easter at Antelope Island  sun set with my Auntie
  Easter morning

 he tryed to kill us, ok he charged my car, but thankfuy missed by inches
 Jeremy really loves this stuff
 yep he is running from them
 Easter at Antelope Island
  Easter at Antelope Island
 these are the best!! Raw vegan brownies!
 This is what happens when you play with me :P we went to the Color festival.
 /dante is throughing chock. Alana and Heather in the background
 Heather, Alana, Dante, Kyle, and Jen
 One Big happy family
 Heather and Kara
 I know I am a dork

 What mess
 Me hiking February
 Kelly and her friend
 Jake, Kara and Kelly at the end of spring semester
 I went and picked up Jake at the end of spring semester and I got to see my good friend Kelly wile I was at BYU-I
 At my Aunties office in the early spring
 I use these every day! I LOVE my SHOES!!!
 I got my new mat in the spring.
 Yep that is Bill Nye the Science Guy. September 2011. I went with Jen and some of her school friends
 Jake, Kara, Aunt Pammy, Alana and their friend.
 spring 2011 Salt Lake City Temple grounds
 spring 2011 Salt Lake City Temple grounds
spring 2011 Salt Lake City Temple grounds
 Alana is doing the squorpian Yoga pose spring 2011
spring 2011
Dante in the spring at Salt Lake City Temple grounds.
Alana's quilt I made for her Byzantium. June 6,2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I start at Salt Lake Community College tomorrow.

I am both excited and afraid at the same time. I will be going to College to be a teacher. It will be nice, because then I will have time with the kids on their days off! I am a peraeducator now, so I hope that that will help out in the end for me too! I hope that it all goes well!

This semester I will be taking communication class and 2 different education classes, and yoga (to help balance me out ;) ) I am most looking forward to the Yoga,, because I know what to expect! and because I love the practice of yoga! It will also help with both my weight loss plan, and give me a little peace that I can spred at home. :D I am told that my education classes will be nice. they are back to back with the same teacher, so I wont be rushing all over to find it, and I also only have to learn 3 names. That is good because I am really bad with names. ;) I really have no idea what will happen with my comm. class, though I hope that it will be good and not too difficult!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Dante Should be sleeping.

But I caught him reading instead of sleeping. It is a sad day when you get into trouble for reading. :P

Cookie Party

We had a lot of fun inviting friends over and decorating cookies. :D

Christmas 2010

Christmas Morning, the kids were very excited about Santa coming!
Santa sent them a letter and shared his cookies with them, because he is trying to cut back on his sweets, and it is nice to share. Though the rain dear ate all the carrots. :)
Dante Helped pass out the gifts. The stairs are form Santa and the kindness brightened our Christmas!
Alana LOVES art, mostly Drawing! This is what she asked Santa for, and her Abella and Abello gave them to her. Thank you.
Dante and Alana went shopping with Jen and got some gifts for us. Nana LOVED her plate. :D
I love Games and I was given this game called Bananagrams. It is a lot of fun to play.
Alana's gifts was to Draw for us. She is really good for only being 7 years old!
This is more art things. Nana Paints and so the kids like to paint with her. Now they have their own paint supplies.
Dante was really excited about his!
Dante getting into his stocking. He was given a snake from the elves that grows in water, just like a book that the kids have, about an alligator.
Dante and Alana in the out fits that their Abella and Abello sent. They loved them SO much! We went over to Aunt Juleen and Unkle Keven's house for a little gift exchange and snack latter in the evening. I had gotten Jen and she joined us. It was really a nice way to spend our Christmas, with friends and family! This was one of the nicest Christmas's I can remember!
Lot's of LOVE!